Whole Food Based Living Nutrition


Sanura Juice Plus Nutrition Distributor ID: USM0354273

There is a heavy search for pure wellness in this world today…

as we battle the challenges of so many different obstacles coming our way. I have always been on a healing path journey, as many are in the times we are living in. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle daily, and that sadly today is very hard for many to do. Within my walk of living in the ways that are rooted in our nature from God, I have found the best way to stay healthy is to build a community around you of positive people and things that reinforce you to be able to live a healthier wholesome and fit lifestyle. I use products that I make by hand, which help create a positive impact and for the environment around me as well. The kind of product that holds and tells a story and also touches lives, not just something we picked up because it was available at that very moment, but rather the kind that hold a more lasting outcome. I remain conscious about all the products I choose to live by, the things I need daily for both myself and my family, and where they all come from. They need to continue to create a positive impact in the world around me, it’s not just a one time deal, but a lasting one. It’s important to me that they hold the value of supporting myself to feel good each and every single day, no exceptions because none are needed when done right. I know they are working, which in turn keeps my mind crystal clear, no stress. These are the things which bring me joy to use, and lighten up within my body so that I continue to feel good each day. I know where they all come from and they help support my family as a whole. They also help many by creating income for hard working families in need across the world, and not for the giants trying to take over everything right now. These pure eco conscious chosen wellness products also deeply respect our earth’s eco system as a whole, which creates a much needed impact for the creatures of the earth both in the sea, on the land, and those that fly in the sky.

In todays world, one of the ultimate best things we can do for whole body health is to build up our immune systems daily. How do we do that both simply and effectively? I am here to show you just how.

Lets dig into real answers to reach our personal lifestyle wellness goals, lets learn how we can truly feel our very best each and every single day and put that worry of illness behind us, as we all know the body is designed to heal itself. So lets give the body what it needs simply by feeding it good clean wholesome nutrition that goes right into the blood stream working immediately on all our organs. As a wellness coach I have personally chosen nutritional products that feed our bodies cells from the inside out by simply using Gods raw living plant foods that both nourish and flourish the immune system. This is the real simple key to thriving at our ultimate best! These products offer a wide healthy range of naturally occurring vitamins, along with antioxidants and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables that all of us need. Its time to get in tune with our own bodies and really learn how to stay strong, happy, and flourishing daily. Good wholesome clean proven nutrition is a must have. We all want to keep our youthful feel and fresh appearance, so lets dig right in now.

From growing your very own fresh raw foods to taking in clinically proven fresh vine ripened plant based nutrition daily, this company has got all our health needs covered so that the worry is then left behind us.

The inventor of the original fruit and vegetable capsule blend used is Dr. Humbert Smokey Santillo. He has written many nutritional health books and lives in our town here in Sarasota, Florida. It all began when his father became ill with cancer and so Smokey created a way for his father to receive the plant nutrients he needed right into his blood stream so that he could be healed. Some thirty years ago he was with Juiceman, promoting drinking green juice. The Gerson Institute uses the same form of healing, juicing. It’s sad no one talks about the real reason all of this came about.


Whole Food Plant Based / Soy Free / Gluten Free / Dairy Free / NSF Certified / Kosher / Non-Gmo / Chemical and Artificial Free / Farm Fresh & More!


“You can’t keep one disease and heal two others. When the body heals, it heals everything.” ~ Charlotte Gerson

The health benefits of juicing - without the hassle!

These outstanding whole food nutritional products are designed to give you the health benefits of juicing everyday without the hassle. This doesn’t mean we still cant juice, it simply means that we will recieve the nutrients in us no matter what we are doing each day. The clean concentrated plant juice powders inside the veggie capsules make it simple to take and never to miss a daily dose of. Yes, the juice powders inside the capsules are also ‘living’, which is exactly what we need without question! Watch this simple experiment you can do at home to see how they work. (video link). You will actually feel a body energy boost right after you take them, I know I do, that is why its important to take these supplements earlier in the day to give the body energy right from the start. These highly effective supplements are filled with exactly what our bodies need, fruits and vegetables are key nutrients for excellent health and work immediately.


Video: How to work your whole body using plant based NUTRITIOn

Healing Your Own Body Naturally


There are now many doctors speaking out about the extreme importance of feeding our bodies daily both properly and effectively to build our own bodies cells and immune systems up. Due to countless diseases in the world today that begin mostly from bad eating habits and polluting our bodies, it’s surely time we all make these simple daily changes to live happier healthier lives. The question is, are you ready to do it now and make that healthy change begin today? I believe that you can! I share with you the best solution as to how to begin to transform the overall health of your body by simply feeding all the cells of your body plant based nutrition daily, and one simple solution to begin that much needed health journey is provided right here for you. It’s truly a simple health gift and one for preventative care as well, so that you do not have to suffer through diseases but instead fuel the body what it needs to thrive.

The late Charlotte Gerson of the very well known ‘Gerson Clinic’ was one of my favorite nutritional mentors. Every recorded video of her speaking will bring joy to anyones eyes due to her pure truth on health and what we need to do to keep our bodies at their very best. (video link). More nutrional information is also available on the The Truth About Cancer site so be sure to check all of that out as well. Once we are educated on the topic of real health, no one can deceive us.

Remember, its always about building up your immune system daily, feeding your bodies cells, and I share with you one very powerful proven way to accomplish just that simply and effectively. Its time to take care of our body as a whole.

Our food industry today is corrupted, and the cancer industry is big business. So we need to each know ahead of time what is really going into our bodies, the key to that is being educated and aware of these topics. Plant based foods will always be the most powerful answer for our health needs, because it was the way we were created to eat in the first place.

Vegucated (plant based diet documentary) 


How I Take My SIMPLE Daily Plant Nutrition:


In my personal wellness story video, I share how I take my whole food plant based nutritional products daily. My body loves and craves the clean fruit and veggie blends. I also get as much nutrition as I can from eating raw fruits, vegetables, and fresh sprouted grains. This nutritional plan helps me feeling my ultimate best daily and it relieved all my daily anxiety, stress, and worry because my body gets what it needs to flourish, there is no price for that!

These effective nutritional products also help save me time and money. If anyone Juices daily you know exactly what I’m talking about. I love my daily fresh pressed juice, and I double love my veggie & fruit capsule blends! When you want nutrition going right into your blood stream, this is your answer! We should all be taking something our bodies completely absorb. That is exactly how these antioxidant rich plant blends work and continually fuel our bodies. I like to stay energized, and I double love that plant nutrients also help feed our brains! Our immune systems then stay uplifted and working right, our body organs stay happy and thriving. This is what matters most to live the best life yet! Before I did this, I was sickly and weak, and now even years later since I first began, my body is still at the best its ever been in my entire life!

The Vegan Omegas:

The Vegan Omega Blend is a plant-based combination of the omega 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 fatty acids, containing DHA, EPA and ALA, that are derived from fruits, algae and seed oils.  By harvesting omegas from the original algae source, instead of fish, and using a cold-pressing technique for the seeds, this omega blend is created to maintain the purity of the nutrients. They are sustainable and environmentally friendly. 


OMEGA 3, 5, 6, 7, 9

+ Pomegranate Seed Oil

+ Raspberry Seed Oil 

+ Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil 

+ Tomato Seed Oil

+ Algal Oil

+ Safflower Seed Oil 


Why These Omegas Are So Special:

1) A natural plant-based blend of omega fatty acids. Not just Omega 3, but also Omegas 5,6,7, and 9 from seeds and algae. These oils are cold pressed to ensure minimal impact on their nutritional quality and integrity. 

2) Unlike other omega supplements on the market, these vegan omegas use the original source algae instead of fish. This provides us with a purer more sustainable source of omega 3's. 

3) They encapsulate these oils in a vegan capsule made from tapioca. The two halves of the capsule are fused together using a new, state-of-the-art encapsulation process that avoids the need for higher temperatures that can negatively impact the nutrients inside. 




The Brain and eye are highly enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. 


Omegas have been proven to help regulate heartbeat, reduce blood pressure and reduce overall inflammation. 


Omegas have been proven to reduce the incidence of Alzheimer's disease as well as vascular dementia. 


Omegas have been proven to improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis, joint pain, and inflammatory disease. 


The long-chain fatty acids DHA and EPA are proven essential for the health of the brain, eyes and cardiovascular systems. The problem is, even those eating an ideal plant-rich diet might have trouble achieving optimal levels without supplementation. In the past, people relied on fish oil to supply EPA and DHA. This Omega Blend is a vegan omega-3 supplement which is clean, safe, and an environmentally sound source of valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

Using fish for their oil is not sustainable and has a major impact on oceans and marine wildlife now. The dramatic increase of destructive fishing techniques worldwide destroys marine mammals and entire ecosystems.

In addition, fish can accumulate toxins such as mercury, dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), plus spoiled fish oil can produce peroxides. Algal oil products or supplements are also great options for people who have a vegetarian diet. Algal oil is free of mercury and other contaminants often found in fish. This is because algae are not exposed to these pollutants the way fish are.


Juicing For Healthy Living